Kids Fire Hoodie
Your kids will be the coolest on the block in this Kids Fire Hoodie! Perfect for boys and girls, it's made of 100% polyester and comes in sizes 4-6, 6-8, 8-10, and 10-14. With this hoodie, their style will be fire (literally!), and they'll be extra comfortable and ready to go! For size reference, an 8-year-old boy with a height of 130 cm wears size 6-8.
We are in the process of enhancing our Kids' Size Chart. If you require sizing information, kindly reach out to us for assistance.
Still need help finding the right size? We are here to help. Contact us via Chat Bubble.
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Cena dostave za Srbiju za svaku porudžbinu iznosi 450 RSD. Za porudžbine čija je ukupna vrednost veća od 15,000 RSD, dostava je besplatna. Troškovi dostave ne zavise od težine paketa ni udaljenosti mesta isporuke.